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The month of love

The month of love


​I can’t tell you how excited I am that the Eagles won the Super Bowl. They sure did live up to Fly Eagles Fly! The City of Brotherly Love is showing the love to their team right now!

January was a whirlwind for me and went by in a blink of an eye. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling that way! Work wise, moving on from broken love was the theme of January. We helped several individuals going through a divorce, or recently divorced, get organized.  Giving love to your home is always a good way to feel calm and relaxed.

In the mist of helping my clients, my son, who is a fourth grader, had a ton of school projects that needed mom supervision. Who remembers those school projects?!  Plus, as a Girls Scout Leader for my daughter’s troop, January saw the start of the cookie drive.  February has already started out just as busy and as a mom and business owner, I need to be on top of my game and keeping organized helps me with that. What about you?

Share the family love in February 
Through all the hustle and bustle, my husband and I ensure we show our kids our love through a love box. Even if you don’t want to participate in a love box all year round, February is a great month to do so, celebrating Valentine’s Day. There are many ways to have your whole family participate. For ours, anyone can put a note of gratitude in the box.

​Just for the month of February we have blank hearts. Each night we right one out for each of our children with a reason of love on it and stick it to their bedroom door. We do this in the run up to Valentine’s Day. You can even extend it for the whole month.

Show your home some love
As I eluded to earlier, through the chaos that is running my business, looking after the children and the home, I don’t forget to show my home some love. Creating order and having everything organized keeps everything moving along… mostly smoothly. After all, kids are involved!

February special! 
Do you show love to your home?  Fall back into love with your home with our February deal!  For the month of February, we’re offering four hours of our time for just $200. Call 215-908-2869 and quote LOVE18. 

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