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Organizing Tips For Kids

Organizing Tips For Kids


Do you have a free-spirited kid, or one in need of order? 

​Do you notice when your house is in chaos, you and your family are also in chaos: running late, can’t find things, forgetting things, tempers are more irritable and stress levels are high?

Teaching kids organizing skills can help your family’s day to day routine run smoothly and be less stressful.  Kids will know where their belongings are.  Knowing the plan for the day ahead of time will keep kids aware of upcoming activities and how to prepare for them.

1. Assign chores that involve sorting: socks, laundry, mail or emptying the dishwasher.

2. Create storage systems for toys, clothes, closets and books, showing and teaching kids there is a home for everything.

3. Help kids prepare for the next day by picking clothes out the night before, as well as packing school/sports bags, lunch and snack ahead of time.

4. Keep a family calendar in a central location.  Track each family member’s activities on the calendar, and go over it every day with the kids.

5. Use chore charts to show what chores need to be done.  Implement a Daily Check List of what is expected to remind kids to brush teeth, make bed, read 20 min, etc.  Use daily lists to keep track of homework too.  This will help kids learn to prioritize. Develop a reward system like extra time reading a book or use of electronics to help your child develop a routine. Overall, be consistent; it takes 21 days to get into a routine.

6. Establish a homework routine. Set a timer and create a homework area that works for the child.

7. Teach kids to use a binder for each subject and homework.

​8. Kids love to help.  Let them help when cooking or baking.




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