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Happy Halloween

Fall is bittersweet for me!  I love the changing of leaves, firepits on weekends, making memories with hayrides, and pumpkin picking!  The cooler temperatures but an end to my passion for kayaking even though I try to paddle in the cooler weather.
This year with production and shipping delays, I had to start buying Halloween decorations in September and early October.  I wanted to do simple fall decorations inside and a few decorations outside, but my 14-year-old son wants to do a Haunted House with pop up tents that will require lots of planning and searching for free or discounted FB groups for extra decorations.  This extra decorating doesn’t include the extensive graveyard my husband likes to do in the front yard.  This extra shopping requires lists and planning!  As an Organizer I thought I was on top of the all the purchases, but this weekend I realized I over purchased some decorations.
All this rambling is to show that no person is perfect, not even a professional organizer.  All the planning, and lists creating mistakes can still happen!

Quick Tips for Fall Management:


  • Do an inventory of Halloween Costumes:  If your family is like mine, last year’s costumes will be too small, or their customs will no longer be cool or in style.  Donate those costumes to the library, or on free FB groups
  • Create a note on your phone where you hid the candy to give out.  My husband likes to hide the candy then forgets where he put it.
  • Now is the time to take 5 minutes to try those winter coats on!  My son grew over 2 sizes since last winter.  Take the coats that don’t fit and donate to a local charity or neighbor
  •  Before it gets colder check if you and your family has clothes that fit.  My kids had a huge growth spurt.  I am taking advantage of the preseason sales to stock up on clothes for the kiddos.
  • Now’s the time to start to winterize your house.  Was there a draft that needed to be fixed or new windows that needed to be installed.  We installed a new storm door with the help of my dad this weekend. 
  • Don’t wait till frost to winterize the flower pots, and fountains
  • Put away the hoses, pool floats and gear.

Schedule 5 minutes in your day to tackle 1 or 2 of these tasks and you will be prepared and not overwhelmed when temperatures drop!
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