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ADHD and Organizing

ADHD and Organizing

Do you or someone you love, have ADHD and struggle with organizing?


Do not despair---We have tips and recommendations for successful strategies!


Being organized is not about perfection. No one’s home is perfect every minute of the day. Being organized is about putting a simple system into place that will work for you and your family and can be maintained on a consistent basis.


How do you put a simple system in place with the need for organization that comes with ADHD?


First, prioritize what areas need simplifying.


Is it your schedule, your paperwork, your home, or all of them?


Next, identify ways you can make small changes that will have a big impact on you every day.


Start with small chunks of time to accomplish tasks. For example, set aside 30 minutes to tackle a task. If 30 minutes leaves you are feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, then allot 15 minutes for the next task. Once you complete the task, take a short break of 10-15 minutes before you move on to the next task. Apps like Time Timer can help track your time spent.


The key is to work in short bursts to stay alert. Begin with the easiest tasks first and work your way up to the more complicated ones. Be sure to accomplish these tasks during your most productive time of the day for you.


For the larger or more complex projects: Break it down into smaller tasks. For example, you want to organize your home office, but you know it will take hours. Break it down into 30 minutes tasks. One task could be purging and organizing the items on the desktop. Another task could be organizing 1-2 drawers. Another could be culling the books on the bookshelves. By tackling one task at a time, the overall project becomes more achievable.



Our team members are all trained in various approaches to help you manage and stay focused and organized.



Our Top Tips on How to Maintain Attentiveness and Stay Organized:





All the appointments, calls, and errands we need to complete can be dizzying. It can be easy to lose focus if we don’t know what we want to accomplish each day. The best way to organize your schedule is to set goals and allot time to achieve those goals.




Daily lists help set your goals for the day. Keep your daily list short. No more than 5 items per day so the focus is on your top priorities. If you have more tasks, then add the remaining items to a weekly or monthly list.


Calendars- use a calendar or planner to organize your day. Phone friendly is the easiest, use the calendar feature on your phone or device. Block out time on your schedule to complete each item on your daily to do list. Don’t forget to create reminders so you don’t miss tasks or appointments!


Tickler files- let you keep track of time sensitive documents that need action but at a future date.


We recommend creating your daily to do list the night before and block out time on your calendar so you can hit the ground running in the morning.





People are drowning in paper!! To cut down on the amount of paper so you can focus on more important things, consider these ideas:


Purge your mail and right away! Toss out junk mail immediately and only keep important items. Switch to online banking. No more statements to file, checks to write out, or forgetting to run to the post office.


Request paperless bills. Mark down reminders on your calendar for when the bills are due. For those hard copy files that you must save keep your filing system simple. Use broad categories for your folders and only create subcategories when it is necessary.


Use Color Coding. Colored files, folders & notes help you stay organized, using colored pens or highlighting helps separate different types of commitments.





A chaotic home can be very distracting! Set up for success by considering these pointers:


Simplify your wardrobe. Pairing down to essential items can reduce the time and anxiety to get dressed every day.


Purge excess possessions. Clutter causes chaos and distractions. Keep the items you need and use but let go of the items that don't bring value to your life.


Use a landing zone for the important things that you need as you head out the door each day. Your keys, glasses, backpack, etc. should be in a place that you can quickly grab.


Meals: Have a master list of “10 favorite meals” - Keep most of those ingredients on hand; plan your meals like you do your tasks- don’t try to memorize your weekly meals- plan all of your meals at the beginning of the week and write it down don’t try to memorize it. Plan for leftovers and give yourself a night off as well.




And remember, you don’t have to go through this alone. Reach out for support if you need it. It can be a family member, friend, mentor or a professional organizer.


There are so many resources out there to guide you, support you and partner with you to help achieve your goals.



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