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10 Minute- Spring Organizing Challenge

10 Minute- Spring Organizing Challenge

10 Minutes at a Time to Get Some Spring Organizing Done


With the arrival of warmer temperatures and the fresh smell that makes you want to open all the windows, Spring motivates many of us to dust off the cobwebs, get rid of the clutter, and re-energize for the fun season ahead.

At the same time, it can be overwhelming to make a list of all the things you want to do, especially in large spaces like a garage (stay tuned in May). Who has the time to dedicate a day or afternoon to cleaning and organizing? With that in mind, We would like to share with you some manageable ways to make a difference in your home, in just 10 minutes while doing other tasks!


While waiting for the pasta water to boil…  Go through your spice rack or cabinet. Get rid of all those that have expired or that you simply don’t use.


Watching a Movie?  Grab a garbage bag and a laundry basket and pick one room to attack. Put anything that should be thrown away in the bag and any items that belong in another room in the basket. Continue with other rooms as time allows, replacing the misplaced items in their proper spots.


During a conference call…  Sort through (or even dump out) the items in your desk drawer. Put like items together and notice duplicates. How many pens or paper clips do you really need? Put essential items back in the drawer and donate or trash what’s left over. Talk about a productive conference call…

Next time, pull out all expired or outdated materials from your filing cabinet. What papers do you still need a file for? What filing system seems to work best for you?


Waiting for the kids to gather their jackets, shoes, and backpacks?  Take a quick look at your bookcase. Notice any books you can donate or share with a friend? Put them in separate piles to deliver on the weekend.

As you can see, so much can be done in ten-minute spurts. You’ll be crossing off that list in no time – and be able to spend any extra time on something you really enjoy.


Download our free checklist to help get you started:

Or, if you are ready to call in our specialized team, use this link for your free consult:

Don’t forget to let us know how it is going on our Socials!


Happy Spring Everyone!

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